Saturday, August 22, 2009

I have Rough Nights!

Last night was the first time that I have ever woken up in the middle of the night low. It was really weird. I was in the middle of this very odd dream and I just opened my eyes. I knew right away I was low. I hit John and said "Juice". He got up and ran to the fridge and got me a juice box. I took it down pretty fast and just laid there waiting to come back. I was shaking and sweating and couldn't move. About 10 minutes later I realized it was 2:30 a.m. and I was starving! I got up and ate a breakfast bar and went back to sleep. My poor husband couldn't go back to sleep. He was up until 5 this morning. Oh, the price you pay being in love with a Diabetic :)


jpnairn said...

That is rough, Rachel. I know just how it feels. Sue and I have had this discussion about whether it's harder on the spouse or the diabetic. Of course, I think it's harder on me, but I will concede that it's close.

The Pineapple Tart said...

Oh, poor you. Did you eat at 11pm? We always wake our daughter at 11 and check her bs and even if it's in the normal range we give her a drink of milk, to get her through the night.